Don't Tell Sophie's new album came out on Friday, you should seriously go buy it or listen to it. (if you live in washington)
Hide the Reefer Medal Guide
Medal 1: Safe Smoker - Type in the following items:
open window
take eyedrops
use eyedrops
put out joint
throw out joint
drink coffee
open door
Medal 2: You got Caught
Open the door without getting rid of all the evidence
Medal 3: Burninator
open window
take eyedrops
use eyedrops
drink coffee
throw out joint
open door
Medal 4: Chain Smoker
open window
take eyedrops
use eyedrops
drink coffee
open door
Medal 5: Mary Jane's Addiction
smoke joint
Medal 6: Window Jumper
jump out window
Medal 7: Quitter
Medal 8: Speedy
get rid of all the evidence in under 30 seconds
Medal 9: Bad Move
hassle the hoff
And no, Mayonnaise is not an instrument.......
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Also, check out this cool photoshop I made of bubbles :3
If mayonnesse is not an instrument then well, I'll be damn, I'm a worse musician that I thought
No, pablo. Horseradish is not an instrument either. :3