LOL, 5'D....
But it lacked me :<
I don't need life I'm high on drugs
Joined on 5/10/08
LOL, 5'D....
But it lacked me :<
I totally couldn't think of anyone to put in. Also, I have this paranoia and I think you hate me, but I don't know.
Next time I make a game like this, I'll put you in it.
You're so awesome.
What's the longer one gonna be about? I CANNOT CONTAIN MY EXCITEMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111
I'm still working over some story ideas, but I think it might have to do with finding John van Deusen's lost guitar pick
Go look.
Very sexy
You should let me help with the next game... after all... I am a programmer too :D
You wanna be co-authored? no problem
i cried in joy when i played it.You kick ass.Honestly.
Y'know, I'll put you in the next one too
Is our next game gonna be 8 bit also?
I wanna do some art work for the next one, just so I don't feel guilty about being on it and having not helped. Tell me what to draw, what size, what format bla bla and I will do so for you good sir.
Yea, it's going to be in 8 bit. Do you have pixel tools? the pixel size is 8 and if you're drawing a person, the size should be about 64 by 190 (it can be larger or smaller, just around that size)
but what I really need is backgrounds, because there are going to be alot of different screens to go to. a basic background should have a path to walk on, and should be 550x400
^^^ Same thing, but with Actionscript.
hmmm, can you make a small minigame like stamper's quest for fags, except use pixel art?
I can easily do backgrounds. Just give me a list of details about what you want each of them to look like. Can I draw those in flash or do I need to make those somewhere else? If you could send me some screenshots of which games you'd like to parody the most, that'd help too, so I get the right atmosphere.
It may be a few days, my kitten did horrible things to my wacom tablet's pen. and I need to go buy another one. 70 %$%#@#@#%%$ dollars.
I'd just like some assorted backgrounds of whatever you want, but along the lines of the bg's in the last game. Also, I'm hoping to have this whole thing done in a couple days
I'm gonna go by Office Depot tomorrow and get a new pen. I just plugged mine in to see, and like I feared, its not working. :-( So tomorrow I'll go get a new one.
You want the paths to go certain directions? Like draw most of them with a left to right path, and a few going up and down?
What's the basic storyline so I know what to draw.
and lastly, If I draw them in flash, do I need to export the fla. to you, or save the backgrounds in a library etc.
just make them going left and right and I'll change the paths if I need to.
You don't really need a wacom to do pixel art, it's very easy, but if it helps, then use one.
here are some of the types of bg's I would like:
deserted island
you can draw any one of those, but each one should have about 3 different bg's.
draw each background on a different frame, then upload the .fla to mediafire or somewhere and I can download them
ok, so for example, when I draw the jungle, make 3 different drawings of it? I'm just checking. I WANT U TO LIEK.
Do you know anyone who knows how to program medals into a game? If we could make a few medals, we may be able to get front page.
It's probly not that hard, but we'd need to talk to tom about that. I assume you can do that?
I never really talk to Tom, I talk to Wade usually. I'm gonna ask around. We could make it something really simple, like a Easter egg, etc. Nothing elaborate.
Well, if tom gives it the ok, we can put medals in it. He'll probably listen to you because you're a mod.
Yep, I inquired and found out that you have to get his permission. I guess after we make the flash, we can think about a few medals we could include and then ask for permission. You've made alot more flash, so may get approved. I'm still a n00b, so I'll have to ask on your behalf. This is what I found, "
Make a folder with the medal icons, description of each achievment, names of each achievment, and the points each one is worth.
Then once you send that to them, they will send it back to you with some code and stuff that you can apply to your game. Please keep in mind that it only works with AS2 and AS3 ."
I may have more flash, but alot of it's spam, and he only let's famous people get medals (usually)
also, s/post/302180
those are the directions for getting medals
We'll see what we can do. We can always turn to Batman.
batman is cooler than superman
"Y'know, I'll put you in the next one too"
There is no human word to describe how much happiness i have in my small body right now.
Because you're awesome
We should make a gamie together sometime
we should
I know how to add medals....
I can't draw pixels...
Also, I noticed CCCCCCC posts a lot on your page.
1. awesome, if tom let's us put medals in it, then you could help if we have any trouble
2. that's ok, I can
3. yea, but that's ok. 7c is awesome
Also, <3
<3 <3 <3 <3
Great fun.
You're damn right it is